Mark Smith a.k.a. Dancin' Mark, DJ & Radio Broadcaster | WiseIntro Portfolio
Mark Smith a.k.a. Dancin' Mark, DJ & Radio Broadcaster | WiseIntro Portfolio







Mark Smith a.k.a. Dancin' Mark, DJ & Radio Broadcaster | WiseIntro Portfolio

Mark Smith a.k.a. Dancin' Mark

DJ & Radio Broadcaster

"Connoisseur of deep and energetic dance grooves with diverse beats and vocals blended to create an upbeat, spirited, and positive vibe." That is how Mark describes himself as a DJ and producer.

For Mark music is a universal art form that unites people of various ages, races, and cultures. This unity is what drives Mark to enjoy what he does as his goal is to provide great experiences for other regardless of their background. Today this translates into his productions and DJ sets. In addition to his adventures as a full time DJ and producer Mark also hosts two radio shows. Awarded 2016's "Best Radio Show," 2017's "Highest Rated Show," and 2018's "Best Rated" show by Chill Lover Radio "Groove Affection" and its spin off "Groove Affection Guest Mix Series" are broadcast live and alternate every Wednesday on Both broadcasts are heard worldwide and have helped Dancin' Mark expand his fan base beyond the borders of the U.S.A to places as far as Europe, Russia, Canada, Asia, and South America. Though he loves performing in lounges, nightclubs, and special events, his love for music goes beyond the spectrum of mixing and production. Mark enjoys travel and takes every opportunity to explore new places to be able to experience new music, cultures, and connect with others around the world.

"For me it's all about that depth and positive energy found in many diverse styles and formats across the musical spectrum put together much like a gourmet chef puts together a tasty menu. I love producing or playing songs that can be nostalgic, cause you to nod your head, urge you to get up out of your seat and dance, or just put you into a feel good mood."

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