a Science Grad with MBA Degree in Marketing from Newport University, California, USA.
Total 20+ yrs of STARTUP, National / International - Sales, Mktg, PR, Branding, Product, Bus. Dvlpt. & Biz Operation, P&L experience.
Current Expertise in B2B/B2C- Profit Center Head with IT Consulting - Outsourcing firm as “Business Head” managing Advisory, Consultancy, Pre/Post-Sales & Managed services, Team Building & Cust Relationship with C level Execs delivering niche High Quality, High Value Services.
Prior 7+ yrs expertise as “Country Manager - INDIA” at "AMD" and "Western Digital Corporation" into National / International level - Sales, Mktg & Bus Operation with 2 worldwide global IT MNC Manufacturers – INDIA start up & Distribution, OEM-Sales Operations from the scratch.
- Overall, Managed 500+ successfully renowned Top Intnl/National/Regional -IT Distributors, OEMs (Local/MNC), Retailers, Resellers, VARs, Sys Integrators, Sub-Contractors, Corporate/SME, Govt (Central & State), PSUs, BFSI, Telecom & few International clientele.