Ariel Finkelstein, Building digital companies and loving it! | WiseIntro Portfolio
Ariel Finkelstein, Building digital companies and  loving it! | WiseIntro Portfolio







Ariel Finkelstein, Building digital companies and  loving it! | WiseIntro Portfolio

Ariel Finkelstein

Building digital companies and loving it!

Expert and industry leader in the area of SaaS

I build strong digital companies, working with great founding teams to achieve fast growth with powerful products

Highly involved and active chairman or board member in every company I join, with the express purpose of building strong, high-growth companies

Hands-on building of all aspects: product, sales, marketing, HR and go-to-market execution

I join up to 3, carefully selected companies per year, which I choose based on their founding team, and get to work turning them into robust, healthy, ROI-positive companies

Big believer in giving back to the industry:

Helped (and continue to help) shape the Microsoft accelerator in Israel (non-profit), mentoring 1 to 2 companies each cycle. I've had the pleasure to work with several amazing startups so far, including: Kitlocate, Back&, Kytera, Rotaryview, Telesofia, Webyclip, Conferplace, Ownbackup and others

Helped build the Kama Tech accelerator. A (non-profit) High-Tech Accelerator aim to help ultra-Orthodox men and women build successful startups.

Share my SaaS knowledge and expertise through lectures and talks around the country –“10 Laws of building a SaaS company in Israel”

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