An accomplished health care practitioner, Arkady Kiner brings nearly two decades of experience to his position as an acupuncturist at American Acupuncture Therapeutics, PC, in New York City. In addition to providing acupuncture services to treat a range of physical and psychological issues, he offers massage treatments and non-pharmaceutical pain management strategies as needed. While working with patients, Arkady Kiner strives to promote their overall well-being while also focusing on correcting their physical health issues.
Arkady Kiner studied at Kean University, where he was an honor roll student. He also studied at the University of Medicine and Dentistry in New Jersey before earning a bachelor’s degree in medical sciences and a master’s degree in Oriental medicine at Mercy College in Dobbs Ferry, New York. In addition to his university education, Mr. Kiner stands out as a diplomat of the American Acupuncture Society whose events and conferences he regularly attends.
Outside of his professional life, Mr. Kiner pursues a diverse range of hobbies, which include reading, writing poetry and short stories, and playing the guitar. Passionate about the arts, he also enjoys visiting museums and attending Broadway shows.