I am currently a Postdoc research fellow at the Advanced Robotics Department of the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, IIT, where I received my Ph.D. in April 2016 under the supervision of Nikos Tsagarakis and Antonio Bicchi.
I worked in the field of humanoid robotics, with focus on whole-body control of compliant robots and simulation.
I was part of the WALK-MAN team that participated to the Darpa Robotics Challenge competition.
I have been a visiting researcher at Centro E. Piaggio in Pisa, DLR (Oberpfaffenhofen), and Duke University (Durham). I worked on a unique VSA humanoid torso, on KUKA's LWR and on the compliant robots Baxter, COMAN and WALK-MAN.
I also worked on the simulation of underactuated compliant hands for grasp planning purposes, in particular for soft hands with focus on the the Pisa/IIT Softhand and Righthand Robotics Reflex Hand. Recently results of this work has been used in the simulation track of the IROS Grasping and Manipulation Competition.
Contact me for collaborations!