Welcome to Books.org. This platform, which was created by book lovers for book lovers, is the perfect spot to learn about books and celebrate them. Rest assured you will get all the information you need to learn about your favorite books.
Books.org has existed since 1998. The platform that started as a marketing association for various book stores has metamorphosized into a community with information about an estimated 20 million books.
These include all sorts of volumes, from kids books all the way to complicated historical novels, and even works of non-fictions.
At Books.org, we accept reviews from users as these reviews help readers to learn more about different volumes of books. Also, through these reviews, readers can easily display their love and appreciation for the books they love.
We want this platform to be a place where bibliophiles can always find book recommendations and celebrate everything about books. Aside from information about books, our site is also the right place to obtain information about the writing market. We can actually equip readers with some of the tools they need to become authors themselves.
We love books and have taken it upon ourselves to make our users feel at home. If you also love reading books, come join our community.