Bulletproof Vests: The Invention of Armored Vests in History
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Bulletproof Vests: The Invention of Armored Vests in History

Across all ages in the era, people have protected themselves from different kinds of injury using various types of materials. In earlier days, animal skins were used by people as barriers to attacks and injury. Day by day, as technology improves the bulletproof vests have also improved over time.

Who And Where Bulletproof Vests Were Invented?

The first bulletproof vest was invented by Casimir Zeglen in 1893. Silk is the first material used in the bulletproof invention. In 1901, Zeglen collaborated with Jan Szczepanik to improve the design of the vest. Later in 1901, after the assassination of President William McKinley, the US military decided to use these soft armor types. Due to the high cost of silk, it is more expensive to manufacture this armor.

In World War II time flak jackets were invented. These are made from ballistic nylon and provide extra protection from attacks. But these jackets were ineffective against most rifles and makes the soldiers feel insecure.

In 1970 DuPont’s Kevlar fiber was invented. Kevlar has the ability of high tensile strength. The molecules in the material are tightly bound together which makes the material bulletproof. It is light in weight that makes the bulletproof vest free in mobility.

How it is Manufactured?

The bulletproof manufacturer undergoes the below 4 steps in the process of manufacturing a single vest.

• Making the panel cloth
• Panel cutting
• Sewing the panel
• Finishing

The first process of making a vest from a bulletproof manufacturer is selecting a thread. Kevlar is the most common material used in this process. These threads are fed to a machine that stretches and wraps the thread to make yarn. By weaving the yawn using processing machines by a special process, it produces the final sheet which acts as a ballistic sheet.

Once the sheets are made, they can be cut by different layers using a cutting press. The panels in the bulletproof vests consist of many layers of this sheet combined together.

Depending on the required level of protection, a fixed number of layers of the sheet material are assembled together to create a ballistic panel. Then the panel is stitched together inside the protective cover in order to protect the material against moisture.

The panels are fit into a designed vest called carriers. It has pockets to hold the ballistic panel in a position. The panels are equipped with shells and the accessories such as straps are sewed together.


Bulletproof vests reduce the speed of the bullet and reduce the impact made by the bullet. These vests are strong enough to make the bullet bend due to its distortion. These vests are used to save many lives of the soldiers in the period of war.

The evolution of bulletproof vests is increasing day by day. The quality of the bulletproof vest provides you and your family to deserve the peace of mind in selecting this life-saving product.

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