Are you one of the believers of medical marijuana? Are you looking for a cannabis supplement that is safe and legally sourced? If so, then you’ve come to the right place!
Canabidol is the best-selling cannabis oil supplement in UK, Europe, and in the United States.What sets Canabidol apart is that our products are sourced from European approved industrial hemp, a type of cannabis plant that doesn’t cause addiction when consumed.
Using CBD or Cannabidiol as its active ingredient, it makes for a safer and legal alternative to medical marijuana. This means you can partake of all the benefits of medical marijuana without any legal and health issues.
You can check out all of our products by visiting
Products & Services
Canabidol is specially formulated and is safe for use for people of all ages.
Depending on your health requirements, you can purchase it in different doses and preparations, including capsules (300mg), gel tabs, which should be taken sublingually or placed under the tongue to maximise its effects, and as oil drops, which are available in 250mg, 500mg, and 1000mg preparations.
Feel free to use the form at for further questions about Canabidol products and services. You may also give us a call at +44 203-8722-420.