Canswerist®, GPx2 SCTS * aka @ALTALOMAN at On the COMMON WALLS of ALTACITIES® ▶ common interest developments of life and home by a mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) survivor since 2006, now seeking CANSWERS for Secondary Immunodeficiency (SID) and sharing the story of an allogeneic stem cell transplant (SCT) and other ‘common interest developments’ | WiseIntro Portfolio
Canswerist®, GPx2 SCTS *   aka @ALTALOMAN at On the COMMON WALLS of ALTACITIES®  ▶ common interest developments of life and home by a mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) survivor since 2006, now seeking CANSWERS for Secondary Immunodeficiency (SID) and sharing the story of an allogeneic stem cell transplant (SCT)  and other ‘common interest developments’ | WiseIntro Portfolio







Canswerist®, GPx2 SCTS *   aka @ALTALOMAN at On the COMMON WALLS of ALTACITIES®  ▶ common interest developments of life and home by a mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) survivor since 2006, now seeking CANSWERS for Secondary Immunodeficiency (SID) and sharing the story of an allogeneic stem cell transplant (SCT)  and other ‘common interest developments’ | WiseIntro Portfolio



On the COMMON WALLS of ALTACITIES® ▶ common interest developments of life and home by a mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) survivor since 2006, now seeking CANSWERS for Secondary Immunodeficiency (SID) and sharing the story of an allogeneic stem cell transplant (SCT) and other ‘common interest developments’


Mike & Dee Dee Foxworth aka @ALTALOMAN

JUST ARCHIVED (something of interest to CANSWERISTS like me)

What follows is the embedded PDF of a medical journal that details research on lymphoma patients like me who were given a continuous and prolonged dosage of the drug Rituxan during chemotherapy, again like me.  To summarize, the article explains how these patients have experienced routine and steady drops in the immunoglobulin levels as a result of the Rituxan.  Yes, that describes me.

But all things considered, I am most grateful for the prolong remission from cancer (since 2010), even with the resulting immunodeficiency that the cancer treatment caused.  Others, like me, I am sure also remain grateful.

Happy to count myself among those here who can express appreciation for the great, life-saving care that came my way since the May 2006 DX with MCL (blastoid type). Had 16 months of chemo (starting with R-CHOP) followed by other regimens with diminishing results. Had an allogeneic SCT in August 2007 with a single-tumor relapse in late 2009 that was successfully treated with Tomotherapy (targeted radiation). Have been in continuous remission (CR) since early 2010. Only maintenance therapy is periodic (quarterly) IVIGs for needed immune system boosts. Upper respiratory issues are much less frequent in our eighth year of remission. Improvement of these "morbidity" sessions, I believe, is largely due to the IVIGs plus our daily use of aromatherapy essential oils. What a difference these have made!

Some “canswers” have been posted here since March 15, 2006.
▶ Scroll for 'CANSWERS'

CANSWERIST# ▶ *GPx2 = grandparents times 2 SCTS = stem cell transplant survivors

In the site of SocialCurrentSee® ▶SCS as indicated in the links and content below...

Mike & Dee Dee Foxworth


“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change”

“Everybody is ignorant, only on different subjects.” ~ Will Rogers (1879 - 1935)

One in three families could be so identified as cancer survivors or caregivers for same. Millions live in ALTACITIES, “alternate cities” or common interest developments (homeowner associations or HOAs), all of which has something to do with today‘s #SocialCurrentSee, as archived in these pages and stories... Website Security Test


SOCIAL CURRENT SEE ® (SCS) by Mike & Dee Dee Foxworth aka ALTALOMAN, mobile web concierge, archivist, synergist, curator and micro blogger INtrepreneur ... retired from hospital fund development and a cancer survivor since 2006 Flip②▶


BLOGS & SITES literally and continually in TRILOGY with prime content archives including: ▶ Common Interest Developments (HOAs, POAs, condos) in the real and unreal ‘private' governmental entities that affect such living, home to more tha 70 million in the USA; 9 million in California ▶ See Altacities® ▶ Cancer survival for and about fellow CANSWERISTS, real cancer survivors and caregivers ▶ See® ▶ Philanthropy and fundraising (retrospective on a career of 40+ years as a CDO for nonprofit hospitals) ▶ See Gift♥WORTH® ▶ Social media tracking for a host of topics about common interest developments (more than HOAs) by Mike and Dee Dee Foxworth (aka @altaloman)

More than 7000 followers in the locations of @ALTALOMAN®, aka CANSWERIST®, in the sites and links published here

Now retired since 2010 from hospital fund development, but engaged in avocation as a microblogger, archivist and web researcher, writer about topics of common interest (see links on this page)

“ When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change ”

GPx2 = grandparents times two + SCTS = stem cell transplant survivors (MEF in 2007) after 2006 DX with mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) Editor & archivist for a family of blogs and sites under the moniker ALTACITIES , alternate cities, common interest developments or more than HOAs. Also seen in...


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