Carlo Dupone is the President of Greenflash Mobile Marketing, President of Dupone Capital LLC, and Founder and CEO of San Diego Publications. With a Master's degree in Marketing from Canterbury University, Carlo is uniquely qualified in helping small business owners achieve their goals as he is (1) formally educated in the strategy of the industry and (2) a business owner, himself. He has always had an entrepreneurial spirit about him and that continues to drive him each day. It's what lead him to real estate development and investment. One of his favorite parts of the job is working directly with the architects in cities all over the country.
Carlo Dupone loves spending time with his family and he is passionate about cherishing the small things in life and deeming then not so small, after all. In addition, he is a student of martial arts and has been dedicated to the practice for over 30 years. If he's not practicing martial arts, you can find Carlo golfing or scuba diving.