Cartoon HD APK is an entertaining application for the two main mobile operating systems in the world; Android and iOS. It is compatible with Windows platforms as well. This app is originally developed to entertain you with high definition quality movies and TV shows. Recently this app has become a global trend only because of its unique and impressive features. This is the only video streaming application in the world, which delivers HD quality sources even with a slow internet connection.
Morpheus TV APK is a freeware to stream movies and TV shows for free. It integrates with Trakt to track what you are watching automatically. Trakt is a plugin which runs in the background of the device when you are streaming videos with Morpheus tv. The main use of the app is letting you streaming and downloading of different kind of movies, TV shows, etc.
WifiKill APK is the app which will make having a fast and reliable WiFi connection possible even with public networks. Quick and safe internet connection is something many of us consider mandatory to be able to function adequately and well. And it is no wonder, considering that in the current world, we need WiFi for basically everything – from talking to your friends, getting new information, and checking your e-mail.