At Cigar Cutter Expert you’ll find a site that caters to the true cigar aficionado. We don’t just focus on the best cigar cutters or how to choose a premium cigar, we’ve travelled across the country to learn about the leading cigar lounges, we know which podcasts to catch, and we’ve even done our homework concerning proper cigar etiquette.
We’ve quickly become the go-to cigar smoking resource, not just for the seasoned smoker, but the beginner who wants to learn more about the art of smoking, buying, and even rolling cigars.
To us, there is nothing better than a fine stogie. But if you’re new to smoking, you’ll quickly find that you have plenty to learn from how to ash a cigar, to how long you should smoke one.
Cigar enthusiasts can visit this site to read the latest reviews on the best-selling cigar accessories, including ashtrays, cutters, humidors, hygrometers, and so much more.
We believe that there’s nothing better after a long day at the office, then a fine cigar, paired with top-shelf spirits. You’ll even find a guide dedicated to pairing your cigar with spirits or the perfect meal.
The serious collector can learn how to properly care for their cigar collection, and how to achieve and maintain the perfect humid environment that will allow their cigars to age to perfection. Collectors know how important it is to use only the best humidor and hygrometer to maintain the proper environment and how one wrong turn can result in the total loss of a collection. If you’re struggling to maintain the proper storage conditions for your cigars, then you can take advantage of our guides that will help you troubleshoot common issues many cigar enthusiasts encounter with their humidors, and exactly what you need to do to right the situation and protect your collection for years to come.
As you can see, this site has it all. Whether you’ve been a cigar smoker for years, or you’re a newbie just trying to learn the do’s and don’ts of cigar smoking, you’ll find all the answers to your questions on Cigar Cutter Expert.