香港品牌ColloS專研納米銀離子消毒技術。香港生產,無毒,無色,無味,不含酒精,能有效殺滅高達99%細菌。殺菌消毒之餘又不傷皮膚,大人小朋友都適合使用。ColloS致力為客戶提供全天然無刺激性的消毒產品,當中AG+納米銀離子系列通過香港檢測中心成分及殺菌標準。 為注意健康的你提供一個更好的消毒方案。
Hong Kong brand ColloS specializes in nano-silver ion disinfection technology. Produced in Hong Kong, non-toxic, colorless, tasteless, alcohol-free, and can effectively kill up to 99% of bacteria. It sterilizes and does not damage the skin. It is suitable for adults and children. ColloS is committed to providing customers with all-natural and non-irritating disinfection products. Among them, the AG+ nano silver ion series has passed the Hong Kong Testing Center's ingredients and sterilization standards. To provide a better disinfection program for you who pay attention to health.