Craniosacral Therapy for Migraine Headache, Jaw Pain,TMJ, Chronic Pain, Low Back and Neck Pain, Sciatica, Insomnia, Scoliosis. Dr. Kaminsky uses methods of Craniosacral Therapy, patient specific hands-on therapy techniques to achieve lasting results. Application of Craniosacral Therapy and other treatment methods such as, Pranic Healing, Cranial Osteopathy, EFT (Tapping,) Chakra Balancing, Vibrational Sound Therapy, Guided Meditation and Proper Breathing Techniques can all be utilized for complete symptom and your specific condition reversal. Treatment sessions are intended with focus and are concentrated along specific points on the patient’s body, including the spine, neck, back and head. Dr. Kaminsky NYC Chiropractor holds many years of experience and is compassionate, knowledgeable and skilled in his approach.