Eamon O'Rourke made his directorial debut with the thought-provoking, fearless-femme film Asking for It and is currently working on fulfilling his dream of making a heist-themed movie. The Brooklyn, New York, resident has been directing theater and film for more than 14 years and hails from a family of educators. His late parents were both instructors at St. Ann’s School in Brooklyn, a progressive educational institution that doesn’t use a traditional grading system. His mother was later the headmaster at the Pierrepont School in Westport, Connecticut, where Eamon O’Rourke taught for two years. Experiencing the tragedy of losing both his parents has had a profound impact on the director’s work, leading him to take on meaningful projects with dimension and depth.
Eamon O’Rourke has also become an activist for causes close to his heart, which include joining protests at the Standing Rock Reservation to fight against the Dakota Access Pipeline, volunteering to hand out free Narcan kits and fentanyl test strips at NYC venues, and volunteering at Legal Hand to help those in need of legal services get assistance, information, and referrals. The big-hearted filmmaker has also lent his time to teaching acting classes to those attempting to get back on their feet in halfway houses.
Eamon O’Rourke has a rare form of epilepsy, which is another cause he’s been vocal about raising awareness for. He has worked behind the scenes of big-budget films such as The Wolf of Wall Street, featuring Leonardo DiCaprio, and Marvel’s Daredevil, starring Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner.
The ambitious auteur is also an avid screenplay writer and gamer. He says he enjoys relaxing by watching his favorite movies, which include Star Wars, and playing video games. He also enjoys playing chess.