"Be true to yourself, your values, your passions, all your God-given talents, and your own unique journey! You got this!"
I believe in living every day to the fullest, because you never know what’s around the corner. I love and strive to have good health, move my body on the daily, embrace life's opportunities & challenges, give grace, travel & explore this wonderful world, and do it all in the with my incredible family & friends!
I’ve worn many hats in my lifetime and I am proud of all of them! They have helped shape who I am today and who I am striving to be tomorrow. I am a Wife, Mom, Daughter, Sister, Breast Cancer Survivor, Certified Professional Life Coach, Personal Health & Wellness Advocate, Entrepreneur, Owner/Operator, Domestic Goddess, Chief Memory Officer for my Extended Family History, and a Personal Homestyle Organizer, just to name a few.
I am passionate about what I do (all of it, every day), and it shows in my family, my home, my work, my proven track record, and my passion for engaging in the world around me in the most positive way I can.
In my down time/quiet time, I enjoy reading, storybooking, the Oregon coast, journaling, traveling to amazing places, organizing my family's extensive photo and recipe history, and spending a ton of time with family and friends creating memories.
I look forward to sharing with you what I have learned in my life from the world around me. Follow me on my social channels or contact me directly - I’d love to hear from you!
Stay Safe, Stay Well, Stay Connected, Stay Positive!
"Excellence can be attained if you care more than others think is wise, risk more than others think is safe, dream more than others think is practical, and expect more than others think is possible." - Unknown
Embrace Resilience, Care with Compassion, Love Always
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