Jeff Worcester, President & CEO at Center for Deep Political Research | WiseIntro Portfolio
Jeff Worcester, President at Center for Deep Political Research, Inc. | WiseIntro Portfolio







(304) 249-8191
Jeff Worcester, President at Center for Deep Political Research, Inc. | WiseIntro Portfolio

Jeff Worcester


Center for Deep Political Research, Inc.


Jeff Worcester is a veteran political, nonprofit, marketing, and security professional. Over the course of the last decade, he has led electoral and issue-based campaigns on behalf of worthy candidates and causes all across the country. Previously, he served for ten years with distinction in the public safety sector.


At the Center for Deep Political Research, Worcester set out to establish a nonpartisan think-tank with the ultimate goal of serving as the premier venue for journalists, and citizen researchers alike, dedicated to the dissemination of existing and new research in counter-measure to official versions of Deep State-orchestrated events. Prior to 2016, he had largely been investigating these "deep events" on his own time, while his days were ironically spent working for some of the very elected officials whose Constitutional authority has been subverted by the U.S. military and intelligence complex for well over a half century.


In an April 2017 'Conspirinormal' podcast interview, Worcester became the first known, most established member of either major political party to talk intelligibly about the existence of the genuine Deep State. After the taping, Worcester concluded that his on-the-record comments on these subjects were likely to cost him his career in professional politics. "If you talk about the Deep State, all of a sudden you're in bed with [President] Trump, [Steve] Bannon, and the so-called 'Alt-Right' movement," he continued. "Sadly, many of my friends in the Democratic Party see the world in black and white, just like the establishment Republicans do. The nefarious networks of America's unelected Deep State, however, operate in ever-changing shades of grey."

Worcester went on to say that he would continue to talk about the cabals, cliques, and machinations of the Deep State, regardless of the negative impact that doing so could have on his political career: "As long as [the Deep State] lives on, carrying out its own criminal agendas and subverting our electoral processes, I will make sure the American people know about it," he said.

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