Joseph H. Fabish was an internationally recognized researcher and lecturer who specialized in both the ancient and modern day weaving techniques practiced throughout the northern regions of Peru. During his lifetime, Joseph H. Fabish made numerous presentations on his findings and theories, including Chumpi Çara: The Diadem of the Inca Queen, at the 37th Annual Midwest Conference on Andean and Amazonian Archaeology and Ethnohistory. Most recently, he delivered a lecture on Florencia de Mora, a potential Inca princess, at the Institute of Andean Studies 56th Annual Meeting.
Joseph Fabish earned an associate degree from the Glendale Community College in Glendale, California, before continuing his education at California State University, Los Angeles, ultimately achieving a Bachelor of Science in Geology. He spent over 30 years traveling back and forth between the United States and Peru, much of it focused on his research, affording him a firsthand look at the symmetry and color variations associated with different weaving techniques, particularly those of a specific Incan weaving style in the ancient lands of Andamarca in the present-day Huamachuco region of Peru.