Loren Nowak is the Director for the Office of Accommodative Services at Clarkson University in Potsdam, NY. At Clarkson, he serves on the 504/ADA committee, Climate & Engagement committee, and is a member of the Institutional Review Board which provides oversight and approval for research involving human subjects. He holds a master’s degree in education and instructional technology and media management (MS Ed , ITMM) from the State University of New York at Potsdam. Loren has worked in the public schools as a teacher and in the area of assistive technology, as well as an adjunct faculty member for several colleges. Last year, he joined with neighboring colleagues to launch the Northern New York Consortium of the New York State Disability Services Council and he also serves on the professional development committee. In 2016, Loren joined the executive committee as the NYSDSC affiliate state representative to the AHEAD (Association on Higher Education and Disability) and now serves are president-elect for NYSDSC. He has taught and presented workshops and conference sessions on assistive technology (in both K-12 and higher education), transition planning for students with disabilities entering college, and educational technology. Additionally, Loren serves as a member of the advisory board of the Adoptive and Foster Family Coalition of New York (AFFCNY) and volunteers with local United Way initiatives. He and his partner Sara have fostered 38 children and adopted three boys from the foster care system, and advocate for middle son, Elliott, who is living with autism and a rare genetic disorder. He is grateful to work in this field and looking forward to continued opportunities to serve the higher education disability services community.