Lotus Acupuncture Is A Wellness Center That Combines The Ancient Practice Of Acupuncture And Chinese Medicine With Cutting Edge Technology To Create Tailor-Made Treatments For Every Patient To Optimize Recovery And Increase Wellness.
Acupuncture Is An Energy-Based Medicine That Is One Of The Oldest And Still One Of The Most Widely Practiced Forms Of Medicine In The World. Acupuncture Supports The Body's Innate Healing Potential By Improving Microcirculation, Increasing Tissue Healing, Regulating Hormones And Calming The Nerves System. Acupuncture Is Extremely Gentle But Powerful Because It Stimulates The Body's Own Resources.
Our natural therapies assist you with diminishing or even totally wipe out your hypersensitivities and asthma so you can inhale uninhibitedly and have more vitality permitting you to concentrate on the main thing. All without more medicine, inhalers and hypersensitivity shots. Our natural therapies assist you with reducing or even totally dispose of your menopausal side effects so you can live an all the more satisfying, blissful, enthusiastic life. All without more prescription, or unsafe hormone substitution treatment
Contact Us:
Lotus Acupuncture
Address: 1720 Abbey Place Suite 4, Charlotte, NC 28209
Phone: (704) 960-1760
Email: info@lotusacupuncturecharlotte.com