M.H.M. & Associates is a data-driven consulting firm that works closely with foundations, nonprofits, and government agencies to help improve their grant-seeking capacities. M.H.M. & Associates’ mandate is one of ensuring that both public and private organizations have the resources necessary to accomplish essential health care and social directives in underserved communities across the country.
In cooperation with multiple partners, including the University of Southern California’s School of Public Policy, M.H.M. & Associates has established the National Resource Development Council (NRDC). The aim of the association is to coordinate between local community members and government agencies in re-envisioning the way in which healthy living and economic opportunities can be made accessible to all. A foundational NRDC strategy is the e3p3 evidence-based logic model, which facilitates government partnerships with diverse small businesses and community-based organizations.
Luvina Beckley directs M.H.M. & Associates, which has grown out of a company she founded in 1995 called Pursuit of Purpose, Inc. Her work with the companies reflects a lifelong commitment to bettering people’s lives. Her substantial achievements have included directing more than $125 million in grant funding toward those organizations with the most on-the-ground impact.