Minecraft’s login can be in email or standard form, we get our resources from all around the world. So the format isn’t common, you will get different account coming from different regions of the world each time. You may ask yourself if that may cause a problem in relation to ip address and location. Minecraft doesn’t firmly control account’s location since it’s a service that can be accessed from anywhere.
To prevent abuses, we implemented a system that unlocks the access upon completion of certain steps. This measure was necessary to ensure that each user asking for an account gets his request fulfilled. Neglecting this aspect may put us in uncomfortable situations in terms of accounts availability. Do not be scared if the system flags your Ip by error, it’s a process to prevent robot abuses that usually exploit our platform for reselling purposes. We state that very clearly on our website, it’s completely free. Any attempt to exploit the properties of our platform for profit will result in a permanent black lis