Business Name:
Eric Erenstoft
Owner Name:
Eric Erenstoft
Business Address:
10659 W. Pico Blvd
Los Angeles, California 90064
Business Phone:
(310) 402-2966
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Year Found:
Operating Hours:
M-F from 9am-5pm and on Saturday from 11am - 3pm
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Social Media Links:
conscious intelligence, conscious intelligence author, conscious intelligence keynote speaker
Have You or the Conscientious Leadership in your organization ever made a hasty decision?
Reacted badly to a situation that resulted in regret? The reason is likely due to the impaired access to Conscious Intelligence.
When you reach overwhelm, be it from stress, high-pressure or anxiety—your circumstances risk becoming unstable, disrupted, even hijacked. As a result, many tend to make hasty decisions rather than informed ones. They are not strategizing; they are just trying not to drown.
Does reactive decision-making plague You?
Does it derail You from your highest-valued objectives?
Most of us operate on the false notion that our circumstances dictate the path and trajectory of our life.
The thing is: We are not our circumstances—unless we either allow them to be or don't know any better.
Employing the tools of Conscious Intelligence poises us to attain clarity and perspective within our circumstances to bring about optimal results—to respond optimally rather than react hastily.
As a result, CI guides us to attain perspective, clarity and mastery over our circumstances to bring about optimal results and to avoid making bad decisions we will most certainly end up regretting.
"We cannot always control our circumstances, but we can control how we conduct ourselves within them."
Conscious Intelligence is the attainment of clarity and perspective within our circumstances to bring about optimal results.
ERIC ERENSTOFT has deconstructed Conscious Intelligence and organized it into a framework of its elemental components so it could be accessed by all.
Conscious Intelligence is a revolutionary approach to illuminated perspective. How we see the world has a lot to do with how we participate in it.
ERIC ERENSTOFT's work frames these elemental components into a paradigm, The Conscious Intelligence Paradigm. By illuminating these key Invisible Distinctions®, the tools of Conscious Intelligence, we are poised to respond optimally and with grace within our circumstances so that we can produce optimal results. The Conscious Intelligence Paradigm is the navigational instrumentation that guides us to gain mastery over our circumstances out in the world, in life, at work, at home. Conscious Intelligence keeps us on a trajectory towards our True North. You've heard of IQ and Emotional Intelligence, introducing: