Unaka Forest Products control the entirety of our trucking activities so this will guarantee on time conveyances to you. We are likewise IPPC affirmed, implying that we have a guaranteed heat treatment office and we can warm your beds or wood the IPCC guidelines required for sending out. Warmth treating murders shape, organism and creepy crawlies that might be on the bed.
The innovation and utilization of wooden beds have changed coordinations and warehousing around the world. The humble wooden bed permits things to be stacked, saving money on distribution center space. It additionally takes into consideration simple transportation of overwhelming and ungainly products, particularly when matched with a forklift.
Bed the executives might be hard for some, coordination organizations. Notwithstanding making beds, square beds, and other wood products, we have enough space to make a noteworthy stock that takes into account our differing market. We store our beds in a shed with a solid surface, so they're kept dry and secured.
Contact Us:
Unaka Forest Products
Address: 217 Dry Creek Rd, Jonesborough, TN 37659
Phone: (423) 753-9576
Email: sales@unakafp.com