Ngoc "Pete" Pham, PharmD, RPh | APhA’s Patient‐Centered Diabetes Care certificate training program at Walmart Pharmacy | WiseIntro Portfolio
Ngoc "Pete" Pham, PharmD, RPh | APhA’s Patient‐Centered Diabetes Care certificate training program at Walmart Pharmacy | WiseIntro Portfolio







Ngoc "Pete" Pham, PharmD, RPh | APhA’s Patient‐Centered Diabetes Care certificate training program at Walmart Pharmacy | WiseIntro Portfolio

Ngoc "Pete" Pham, PharmD

RPh | APhA’s Patient‐Centered Diabetes Care certificate training program

Walmart Pharmacy

With the growing concerns toward drug pricing, my professional goal is making healthcare accessible and delivering the best pharmaceutical care for each of my patients. As a Pharmacist, I thrive to improve healthcare efficiency by reducing medication errors, promoting adherence and improving health literacy.
Resilient, compassionate, and dedication are vital to deliver an impactful outcome and provide quality patient care. I helps patients to understand meaningful goals that provide the best drug therapy outcome, and then I provide all the pharmaceutical cares neccessary to help them success.
My specialties include: Diabetes Care, Immunization, MTM, Medical Assistance
I believe in teaching others we teach ourselves. I enjoy helping every member of my team to overcome their challenges and help them to reach their potential because together we could achieve greatness.

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