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WiseIntro Portfolio







People speak different languages, eat different foods, and even experience the same things with different emotions. But there is one thing that unites them. For example, millions around the world are watching porn movies
Thanks to the Internet, porn is consumed everywhere and in huge volumes. But as long as it exists, so much they accuse him of almost all sins, representing the source of evil.
For example, no more than last year, politicians in the US state of Utah branded pornography as a threat to public health.
Over the past few decades, pornography has changed a lot, and what humanity has now is undoubtedly the result of the widespread availability and high speed of the Internet.
In addition, it has become much more immersive in form, more providing the effect of presence, more multifaceted than before.
Take at least virtual reality (VR). Earlier this year, researchers from British University of Newcastle pointed out that BP is transforming a pornographic user from an estranged observer into the main character.
Scientists have warned that this can blur the line between real life and fantasies, which will negatively affect the relationship between people and can provoke harmful behavior.

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