Pro Access Floors has served the Data Processing and IT industry for 35+ years and the Access Floors industry for 25 years. Pro Access Floors offers a complete line of Raised Access Flooring and Access Flooring Services, and offers both New and Refurbished Access Floors and Raised Access Floor Systems. Our Access Flooring professionals have 25+ years of experience and specialize in every phase of Access Flooring process. Our Access Flooring experts will discuss your requirement, identify your needs, and propose the materials and services that will most economically suit your project.
Accessibility matters in IT. It’s not enough just to diagnose technology issues or design essential upgrades — teams need on-demand access to critical infrastructure to ensure they’re able to quickly remediate potential issues or install new hardware.
Pro Access Floors is the industry leader in raised access flooring solutions that meet evolving industry needs for strength, durability, acoustic performance and airflow — all without compromising quality or ease of access.