Rashad Trabulsi, DC, is the founder and CEO of the Manhattan Wellness Group, a network of four physical therapy and chiropractic practices throughout the Greater Manhattan area. When Dr. Rashad Trabulsi started his first practice in 2004, his offerings were largely limited to medical massage and chiropractic services. Since then, he has added acupuncture and other forms of physical therapy to the lineup of service offered to his patients.
Dr. Rashad Trabulsi studied at New York Chiropractic College and attained his DC in 2004. He has since studied acupuncture with the International School of Acupuncture, where he received his diplomat in acupuncture. He subsequently incorporated acupuncture into his practice.
Expanding his practice has allowed Dr. Trabulsi to focus on the constantly evolving field of pain management. He is a certified cold laser specialist with more than 13 years of experience, and his offices use Smart Ultrasound and Electric Stimulation combined therapy, which combines advanced physiotherapy treatment with chiropractic care. Dr. Trabulsi’s advanced studies also include work in the area of diet and healthy living and certification in the holistic approach to chiropractic care.