Smart shopping campaigns on Google: how to increase sales
If you are looking to increase your sales, you have to learn how to create smart shopping campaigns. This is an excellent strategy for ecommerce , so if you have one, you should try it. Once you start you will see how your website traffic begins to rise.
These types of campaigns include Product Shopping ads and display ads. They rely on automatic bidding and ad placement to promote products from a feed across different Google networks.
In addition, they give you the possibility of remarketing to existing customers, as well as showing your products to new consumers and connecting with new users through the platforms and ad formats that the Internet giant offers you.
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Advantages of smart shopping
Like any marketing strategy, this one also has several benefits for your business. So if you still do not dare to create your campaigns using smart shopping, then you have to see the advantages you will get when applying it:
• The conversions of your website will increase thanks to these ads.
• You will gain more leads. This is thanks to the fact that they will show you the information about the product before they click on the ad.
• Your website traffic will also have an increase.
• These advertisements will simplify the management of your campaigns.
How these campaigns work
It is important that before starting to create your smart shopping campaigns , you first know how they work. This will help you when you start working with this type of advertising on Google. The first thing you should be clear about is that they work through machine learning.
This means that the system itself is responsible for extracting information from your product feed . Later, it will try different images and texts that you have provided to show the most relevant ads. These will appear on various Google networks, such as YouTube , Gmail, the Search Network, and the Display Network .
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It also selects the most appropriate ads for each user, but does so taking into account two factors. The first is based on the searches carried out by the person, as well as an intention forecast . Showing your products in this way, according to the keywords you have used in your feed.
In the case of the second factor, Google relies on the Display Network to personalize the ads based on the user's previous interaction with your website. In this way, you can create the ads that really interest your audience.
Requirements to run smart shopping campaigns
Before starting with the creation of your campaigns, it is essential that you know everything that Google requires in this case. Keep in mind that if you do not have these requirements, you will not be able to join this world. So take note of everything you need to enter the smart shopping:
• Implement the Google Analytics tag on your website.
• Set up conversion tracking.
• You must also set up tracking for specific transaction values.
• You must have a history of at least 20 conversions in the last 45 days in all your standard Shopping campaigns.
• You have to have a remarketing list , which has at least 100 users.
• Comply with and follow the stipulated advertising policies.
How to increase your sales with smart shopping
The moment has come! Now you will learn how to create your own smart shopping campaigns on Google. But if you don't know, you just have to follow the following tips:
1.- Lean on Google Merchant Center
Looking to be successful in your campaign? Then you have to have an account in Google Merchant Center . This will be your great ally in this process, because that is where you will upload the feed with the list of your products. But the most important thing is that there you will see if your products are approved or rejected, and much more information that will be useful to you .
It is essential that you review this tool regularly. Remember that she is the one who will tell you how many products were approved. And in the case of those that were rejected, it is recommended that you try to fix them. Think that the more items available you have, the higher your sales will be.
2.- Use quality images
One of the most important aspects in Google Shopping is the quality of the images. Keep in mind that it is essential to provide the best visual experience for users. The people who see the ads rely on the photos to decide whether to make the purchase or not .
Keep in mind the rules and recommendations that Google offers before taking photos of your products. If not, they may not approve of it or it just doesn't have the impact you want. Now you have some tips that can help you have the perfect image:
• Use a white or light gray background.
• Make sure the images are free of errors, noise, or blurry . The idea is that it is as clean as possible so that the user can appreciate the product well.
• Do not use referential photos, you must show the real product. Therefore, it is advisable to take your own photographs or hire a professional photographer to take them.
• Take into account that the product must occupy no less than 75% and no more than 90% of the complete image.
• Never put watermarks on your product images.
3.- Improve the titles
Think and analyze the titles very carefully to identify your products. Remember that this will depend on whether the user finds it when conducting a search. Therefore, you have to use the keywords properly. They should be easy to find and attractive to the audience.
It is also essential that they have valuable information for the user. This means that you must be able to show the features and the offer . To do this, you have 150 characters, yes, put the most noteworthy at the beginning, because normally only the first 70 appear.
4.- Optimize the description
There is no doubt that the images are a very relevant factor, but they must be accompanied by the description of the product . Here it is important that you include the keywords that will help you position yourself. Accounts with 5,000 characters that allow you to mention the most important characteristics of what you offer.
You have to be as specific as possible, explain every detail. What Ideally , the user does not hold back any doubt about the product you want to purchase , for the purchase decision is not delayed. A good option is to put the description similar to the one you have on your landing page .
5.- Work on the quality of your feed
The feed has been the cover letter of your business, so it must be impeccable. For you to achieve this quality, you must take into account two factors. One is related to attributes, for which you have to supply data such as: google_product_category, color, size_type, among others.
On the other hand, there is the quality of data that is based on information in general. This is where the importance of having optimized titles and descriptions , according to the user's search, stands out. To achieve this you must take into account some aspects:
• Use synonyms.
• Work with the terms they use to search for your products.
• Specify the color and size.
• Mention the brand.
6.- Create a good structure
Another important aspect is the structure of your campaigns, since this directly influences the results of Google Shopping. It has to be aligned with the objectives of your business , so think about the most outstanding products, the ones you sell the most, etc.
Having a good structure gives you the ability to review the search terms that triggered your smart shopping ads. You can also exclude those that are not relevant to your campaign. This will help you to be in control of the performance of your ads and to react to changes that may occur.
7.- Offer attractive prices and offers
How to stand out from the competition? The key is to offer competitive prices. It is essential, since Google Shopping gives the user the possibility to compare the price of the same product in different stores . Therefore, it tends to work in your favor that your products are cheaper than those of the competition (when it comes to the same item), since this generates more conversions and sales.
The same happens in the case of offers, they have to be attractive enough. It is not necessary to give away the product, just by lowering a few cents you will see the results in your earnings and the increase in CTR .
8.- Make remarketing campaigns
A great benefit of Google Shopping is that you can use Remarketing Lists for Search Ads (RLSA). This means that when a user clicks on your ad or visits your site and leaves without buying anything, the next time they look for the same product, your ad will appear in a higher position .
Since you know what you have to do to create smart shopping ads and start selling more, you just have to start working on them. To help you in this process, at Antevenio we can help you by creating a perfect Google SEM and marketing performance strategy so that you attract more customers with your campaigns.