Starr Sports Chiropractic, Physical Therapy, Acupuncture and NP (Adult Health) PLLC, we accept that every patient and specialist of chiropractic become a group for treating a person's chiropractic issues, including Scoliosis, Back Pain, Pinched Nerves, Disc Herniation, and substantially more. Dr. Starr invests the greater part of his energy tuning in to comprehend your interests and reacting with the best treatment choices for you. With the assistance of our expert staff of New York chiropractor, Physical/Massage Therapists, and Acupuncturists they likewise follow up to ensure that issues are settled and your wellbeing improves.
We need our patients to be educated about muscle, bone, joint, the sensory system and medicines, in light of the fact that educated patients settle on better choices about their wellbeing and prosperity. That is the reason we've remembered a segment for this site covering normal themes related to chiropractic care. We urge you to glance through these pages at whatever point you have an intrigue or concern identified with chiropractic and general wellbeing.
In these site pages, you'll discover data about Dr. Starr, the staff, our office, our area, maps, headings, hours, protection approaches, and arrangement booking. In the interest of Starr Sports Chiropractic, Physical Therapy, Acupuncture and NP (Adult Health) PLLC, we invite you to our training and anticipate helping you and your family save a lifetime of good wellbeing.
Contact Us:
Starr Physical Therapy, Chiropractic, and Acupuncture
Address: 853 Broadway #1105, New York, NY 10003
Phone: (212) 614-8800