The Academy Schools is an organization of schools in Western Pennsylvania that meets the needs of local and out-of-state at-risk youth. Licensed and accredited to provide treatment to students with drug and alcohol addiction issues, The Academy Schools provides a number of distinct offerings, including inpatient and outpatient treatment, mental health counseling, education and industrial trades training.
Students benefit from individual and group therapy sessions guided by drug and alcohol clinicians and certified clinical supervisors. Among the treatment models employed are cognitive behavioral therapy and a 12-step approach to wellness. In addition to schools located in Pittsburgh and Butler County, The Academy Schools also includes The National Academy in Philadelphia. This program is licensed and accredited to meet the needs of clients ranging from 13 to 20 years old.
At New Outlook Academy, which focuses on the positive rehabilitative treatment needs of young women, counseling, academics, extra-curricular activities, and trades training are also combined with inpatient drug and alcohol treatment to provide a holistic, therapeutic environment. A core emphasis is on providing guidance that allows students to fulfill their potential.