The Way International—Biblical Research, Teaching, and Fellowship
Since 1942, The Way International has sought to reach people worldwide by teaching them how to understand the true meaning of God’s Word as expressed in the Bible. Followers of The Way participate in home fellowships (small groups that meet in private homes) around the world for spiritual nurture and growth.
A global, nondenominational Christian ministry headquartered in New Knoxville, Ohio, The Way International, founded by Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille, has evolved from a small radio program into a Biblical research, teaching, and fellowship ministry with followers living in more than thirty countries. The ministry aims to help its followers make positive changes in their lives through an accurate understanding of the Scriptures.
The Way International believes that the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments were “given by inspiration of God” (II Timothy 3:16) and perfect as originally given. They also understand that many errors have crept into the translations of God’s Word since its first writings and thus a right dividing of the Scriptures is necessary in order to truly understand God’s will and reap the benefits of His love and goodness. A key service they provide is Biblical research, teaching students about manners and customs of the Bible, figures of speech, ancient languages, keys to the interpretation of the Bible, and more.
Supporting its research and teaching ministry, The Way International has also produced a colorful bimonthly magazine for over sixty years. Now available in print and digital editions, the publication features useful articles on how to live the Word of God based on research conducted by faithful ministers of the Lord Jesus Christ. The content addresses fundamental questions that people often have about life and covers important topics such as parenting, prosperity, and health. For subscription information, visit The Way International Bookstore.